
FindingFive, Software Developer

March 2020 – present

    Freeware platform for behavioral science researchers to conduct online studies

  • Implemented new form using WTForms in profile to allow customization of communication preferences and automated mailing list generation, requiring changes to the API endpoints using Python’s Requests library.
  • Built pipeline to automate platform updates sourced from a Google Sheets-hosted hub for community-sourced translations of site content, which involved the Google Sheets API and i18n jQuery library and increased supported languages from 3 to 10.
  • Created bulletin widget to enable non-engineers to add critical messages without altering the codebase, which are instantly viewable.
  • Led development and design of a native payment system using PayPal API to allow researchers to pay participants and an internal messaging system to facilitate communication between researchers and participants.

(Python, JS, HTML, CSS)

Chu Lab — Massachusetts General Hospital Neurology, Clinical Research Coordinator

Nov 2015 – June 2017

  • Published retrospective statistical study about impact of anticonvulsant drug treatment and presence of spikes in EEG record on seizure risk in benign childhood epilepsy. Collected data from 130 patients with benign childhood epilepsy using medical charts and performed survival curve analysis using R.
  • Coordinated patient visits and independently ran MEG, EEG, and MRI studies for a study investigating biomarkers to predict seizure recurrence in childhood epilepsy.

Teavana, Team Member

August 2015 — January 2016

  • Educated customers on the culture of tea, including tea production, methods of brewing, and tea blends to fulfill customer needs and sales goals.

Austerweil Lab — Brown University, Research Assistant

May 2014 – Aug 2015

  • Investigated effects of hypothesis space size and biases for different types of similarity on generalizing to novel objects through computational and experimental methods.
  • Constructed Bayesian models in MATLAB to perform task of computing similarity of shape sequences in experimental universe.
  • Evaluated efficacy of Bayesian model predictions using predictions made by 60 participants recruited from MTurk.

Laboratory for Neural Computation and Cognition — Brown University, Research Assistant

July 2014 – August 2014

  • Assisted with EEG experiment setup
  • Configured 50+ electrodes on recording cap and injected gel into each to lower electric impedances.

Spreadtrum Communications, Lab Assistant

July 2013 – August 2013

  • Developed VBA scripts for automating data processing on Excel.

Moral Psychology Research Lab — Brown University, Research Assistant

June 2012 – Dec 2015

  • Collected data for an in-lab psychophysiological study about the aversion to harm in the moral domain by asking participants to perform tasks of varying moral valence and measuring their physiological response using total peripheral resistance (TPR).
  • Contributed to survey creation for pilot study on harm aversion in non-moral domains and recruited 400+to complete survey.


Cornell Tech Product Studio – NYC Mayor’s Office

    Web platform to enhance safety for domestic violence survivors by allowing them to request volunteers to accompany them for errands.

  • Developed a prototype to enable user registration and trip requests, and designed the SQL scheme to store captured information.
  • Used JS and AWS Lambda functions to submit form data, such as availability and gender preferences of volunteer, as JSON file to AWS-hosted database.


Virtual Reality Project

    VR Interactive art museum experience allowing users to explore Andy Warhol’s Campbell Soup Cans and Dali’s The Persistence of Memory

  • Created museum lobby and painting scenes for the Oculus Quest and implemented object interaction in scenes using C#.

(C#, Unity, Oculus Quest)

Augmented Reality Project

    AR Project involving placing cubes on detected planes and displaying distance between the cubes, built for iPhone via Xcode

  • Implemented a quadratic Bezier curve for improved trajectory visualization of the cube to be placed.
  • Created user menu supporting reset and undo functionality.

(C#, Unity, Xcode)

Conferences and Publications

Xie, W., Ross, E.E., Kramer, M.A., Eden, U., & Chu, C.J. (2018). Timing matters: impact of anticonvulsant drug treatment and spikes on seizure risk in benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes. Epilepsia Open, 3(3), 409-417.

Acknowledged in Chu, C.J., Chan, A., Song, D., Staley, K.J., Stufflebeam, S.M., & Kramer, M.A. (2017). A semi-automated method for rapid detection of ripple events on interictal voltage discharges in the scalp electroencephalogram. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 277, 46-55.

Chu, C.J., Song, D., Thorn, E., Xie, W., Cash, S.S., Staley, K., & Stufflebeam, S.M. (2016). Multimodal biomarker discovery in childhood epilepsy. American Neurological Association Annual Meeting.

Papoutsaki, A., Guo, H., Metaxa-Kakavouli, D., Gramazio, C., Rasley, J., Xie, W., Wang, G., & Huang, J. (2015). Crowdsourcing from Scratch: A Pragmatic Experiment in Data Collection by Novice Requesters. Proceedings of the 3rd AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP), 140-149.

Xie, W. & Austerweil, J.L. (2015). The role of relations and attributes in inductive inference. 48th Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology.

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